Spinal Touch

Spinal Touch is a gentle treatment that rebalances the body at the centre of gravity.  The centre of gravity of the body is located anteriorly between the 5th lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum.  If the body is out of balance at the centre of gravity then it could cause may unwanted muscular skeletal conditions such as back and shoulder pain as well as problems with the nervous system, headaches, impinged nerves, numbness....


Spinal touch treatment can help aid recovery from accidents, injuries or traumas as often these traumas have  physically shifted the body out of balance - and these imbalances need to be corrected.

The  diagram below shows the negative effect that poor posture can have on the body.  The muscles have come under strain trying to hold the body upright - if these postures aren't corrected then problems can occur in the nervous system, spine, shoulders, hips, knees and corresponding muscles.

Spinal touch can help to correct these postures and their negative effect on the musclar skeletal system and nervous system.

Common Posture Types and effects


See how the body becomes imbalanced....

This is the ideal position of the spine - the spine is like a shock absorber for the body helping us to stand upright and bear the weight of our muscles and tissues under the natural forces of gravity.


The position of the sacrum or 'sacred bone' (literal Latin translation) is critical to the alignment of the spine as the centre of gravity of the body is located at the point were the 5th lumbar vertbrae and the sacrum meet.  Spinal touch focuses on physically correcting any postural imbalance at the centre of gravity and 'reprogramming' the central nervous system to retain the correction so that the ideal posture is maintained.

If you would like to book in for a treatment please see my appointments page

I became fully qualified in Spinal Touch treatment in 2008, I have been practising Spinal Touch for over 5 years. I trained with Susanna Terry, RSHom, Dip Couns, Dip ALTT

For more information on Spinal Touch please click on the following links



http://research.famsi.org/aztlan/uploads/papers/stross-sacrum.pdf - click on this link to access this interesting essay exploring the origins and ideas behind the sacrum being named and thought of as 'the sacred bone'

Other conditions that Spinal Touch can help include

ankylosing spondylitis
back pain
balance problems
digestive problems
frozen shoulder
jaw problems
joint pain
low energy and fatigue
mentrual problems
multiple sclerosis
neck pain
pins and needles
problems during and after pregnancy
recurrent infections
repetitive strain injury
sinus problems
sports injuries
tennis elbow
visual disturbances
whiplash injury

You're in safe hands

  • Level 4 Body Control Pilates mat work and studio equipment AND Level 3 Pilates Institute mat and studio equipment teacher with 17 years Pilates teaching and rehabilitation experience
  • KRI level 1 qualified Kundalini Yoga Teacher
  • Spinal Touch Practitioner
  • Sound Healing Therapist with Gong (in training)