Pilates Classes Overview

I offer lots of different Pilates Classes, please see below for a description of each. If you are unsure then please get in touch

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121 Pilates

If you are new to Pilates, or have come to Pilates for rehabilitation then I strongly recommend that you have at least one 121 session with myself before joining a group class as you will be taught the technique at a pace and level that is suitable for you as an individual.   In a 121 session I take a background history, complete a postural assessment and then teach you the Pilates technique at a speed and level that caters for your individual needs. I combine traditional Pilates mat work, with Pilates reformer, Pilates wunda chair and also use stability balls, resistance bands, foam rollers, isotoners and other small equipment to give you a rounded, varied and challenging programme.

Small group Studio Classes

If you don't have the budget for 121 Pilates tuition then these classes are the next best thing.  Combining traditional Pilates mat work exercises and small equipment with work on large studio equipment; reformer, stability chair, tower trainer, arc barrel, spine corrector.

Small Group Mat Classes

I am able to cater for all levels of ability as there are only 4 students in the class although I do try to match students of similar ablities in these classes.  I combine traditional Pilates mat work and small equipment; resistance bands, foam rollers, isotoners to give you a rounded, varied and challenging class.

St Thomas Centre Group Mat Classes

If you have prior Pilates experience you are welcome to join this mixed level to intermediate level class.  Those without prior experience are welcome to join once they have completed at least one 121 session with myself.  In an initial 121 I will conduct a full assessment, teach you the basics and offer any modifications that may be necessary for you within the group environment.

Pilates Beginner 121 sessions

If you have no Pilates experience you will need to complete at least one 121 session with myself prior to gaining entry into a class.

You may need to attend 4 - 10 sessions or more before you really start to understand Pilates and start making progress with the technique and movements......

All the exercises are modified to begin with to teach you the Pilates technique safely.  I will then offer individuals the opportunity to try more challenging levels depending on experience and ability.

When you have the basics you are welcome to join a small group class and progress within the class.

In every class you have to concentrate and be body aware, working only at the level that is CORRECT and SAFE for you - the technique takes time to master and a lifetime to perfect.

I vary the Pilates exercises that I teach each week in all my classes so you are always doing different combinations of exercises.  I ensure that the exercises use all the muscles in the body and mobilise all the joints of the skeleton so that by the end of the class you have had a full body work out.

121 Pilates beginner lessons are perfectly suited for people with back and muscular skeletal issues on referral from medical professionals.

Pilates Intermediate - Advanced

If you have a fundamental knowledge of Pilates and want more challenge I can offer you this on a 121 or in a small group environment.   I will enable you to expand your repetoire of Pilates exercises and increase your strength, stamina, flexibility and mobility.  I will teach you how to safely progress through the levels at your own pace according to your ability.

I teach the full repetoire of original Pilates movements along with many variations.

I vary the Pilates exercises that I teach each week in all my classes so you are always doing different combinations of exercises.  I ensure that the exercises use all the muscles in the body and mobilise all the joints of the skeleton so that by the end of the class you have had a full body work out.

Post natal Pilates

Bring baby along!!

Postnatal Pilates is a great way to safely reintroduce exercise into your life post birth.  After the baby is born and you are cleared for exercise by your midwife - usually after 6 weeks you can start exercising your whole body again.

My aim is to help you gently recondition the body with a focus on strengthening and reconditioning the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor and to prepare you for more challenging Pilates exercises as your body returns to strength.

Post natal Pilates is suitable for mums with diastasis recti, pelvic girdle pain (SPD) and back issues although I would recommend that you have at least 1 121 lesson with myself before joining a class.

Pregnancy Pilates

If you have been doing Pilates before your pregnancy then it is safe to continue through your pregnancy.  Current medical guidelines recommend that you should NOT start a brand new exercise technique during the first or last trimester of pregnancy.

Pilates is a great way to keep your body in condition all the way through your pregnancy, it strengthens the body, mobilises the joints and keeps the muscles flexible.

With pregnant students my focus is on teaching you your 'ideal' posture, exercises to keep your joints mobile and muscles flexible and exercises to strengthen the deep postural muscles.

Pilates helps keep the pelvic floor strong and the lower back supported as the growing baby changes your posture and shape.

As your pregnancy progresses your body changes, one of the main changes is that the ligaments around your joints become more mobile due to the pregnancy hormone relaxin it is for this reason that stretching exercises are not advisable during pregnancy.

Pilates helps to keep your joints strong and mobile without the risk over-stretching.  Gentle Pilates lessons are suitable for mums to be with SPD and pelvic girdle pain and can help to stabilise the pelvis to alleviate/minimise further issues with these conditions.

I offer 121 pregnancy Pilates lessons at my Cowick Street studio, if you haven't practised Pilates before I would recommend doing 121 Pilates work to start with while pregnant.

I am happy to adapt the exercises specifically for pregnant mums in my classes. My aim is to help you gently condition the body and prepare you for later pregnancy and childbirth.


You're in safe hands

  • Level 4 Body Control Pilates mat work and studio equipment AND Level 3 Pilates Institute mat and studio equipment teacher with 17 years Pilates teaching and rehabilitation experience
  • KRI level 1 qualified Kundalini Yoga Teacher
  • Spinal Touch Practitioner
  • Sound Healing Therapist with Gong (in training)